Friday, 28 June 2013

A Quick Overview of Vastu Shastra

Since ancient times, Vastu has been implemented while constructing residential, commercial and religious structures. Many of us believe that Vastu Shastra will help you in changing your future or kill the evil powers or curses, which is not true. Vastu shastra is a science that helps you in building a structure which allows you to absorb all the positive forces from the environment.

In our environment 5 elements exist, they are,
Aakash (Space)
Agni (Fire)
Jal (Water)
Vayu (Air)
Bhumi (Earth)… and every element have its own significance in our life. Vastu helps us in structure planning so that we can fetch maximum out of every component.

When you consult  Vastu shastra Expert, he tells you to build the bed room, dinning area, kitchen etc. in particular direction. It’s because, there is a significance of 5 elements in our life and depending upon their reception on the plot, position of every room is decided.

All the five elements have strong relation with each other and Vastu balance their relation with person and materials. A quick overview for placement of different rooms in the house
  • North – treasury
  • Northeast – prayer room
  • East – bathroom
  • Southeast – kitchen
  • South – bedroom
  • Southwest – armory
  • West – dining room
  • Northwest – cowshed.
It is often said that to make our structure Vastu compliance, we can either use Yantra / Crystals or demolish the structure to reconstruct it. However, there are way outs which you can adopt by consulting Vastu expert or getting important Vastu tips from him.
Some handy tips to analyze how compliance your house is to the Vastu
-         There should be an open courtyard in the center of the house. If not available, living room should over more of the central zone of the building
-         Entrance from north east zone
-         Kitchen should be in South East Corner
-         Bed room should be in Southern, Western or south-west corner
-         Toilets should be south and south-east, south and south-west, west and south-west, west and north –west.
-         Number of risers in the staircase should be in odd number
-         Pooja room should be in the North-east zone. Its door should have double shutters and four frames.
-         All the roof and floor level should slope towards North, East and North-east corner
-         Using motifs like images of Gods in decoration of doors is prohibited

Monday, 10 June 2013

Myths of Meditation Busted

Fashion of practicing Meditation is going viral these days. Our stressful work environment, ‘not-so healthy’ life style, increasing level of aggression could be possible reasons behind this.

While many of us say blunt ‘No’ to meditation, because we don’t have time or we are unable to follow strict rules of meditation.
Wait a minute… Strict rules of Meditation? What’s that? Are there actually some strict rules of meditation?
Definitely NO.

There are some perceptions about meditation which we have made in our minds. Let’s talk about them one by one and you tell us which myth about meditation you are living with.

# 1 Meditation can be done only in defined hours of the day

Many of us prefer to wake up late in the morning (come on, I am not lazy, it’s just… I work late night :) ) and feel it’s too late to meditate now. Don’t worry; there is no fixed time to meditate. You can do it in any hour of the day, whenever you get time; even 10 minutes are fine to start with. So, now on… if you are traveling in bus, car, or have spare time in office, after cooking your lunch; promise yourself to spare 10 minutes for meditating.

#2 While meditating, ignore the sounds around you

Try telling your brain, not to hear the noise of truck going outside the window while meditating… Your brain will think about only that noise and even visualize the truck; this is the tendency of our brain. So, accept all the sounds and activities that are happening around you and do not try to ignore them… it requires effort and makes your brain more tired instead of relaxing it.

#3 Meditation = Concentration

Meditation does not mean concentration; Guideline by Best Astrologers rather it improves our power to concentrate. For the beginning, just take long breaths and pay attention to every breath going in and out. If you are experiencing some disturbances from your surrounding, let them come and you keep on paying attention to your breathing.

#4 While meditating, you will have a journey through heaven

How illogical is this! How can you have journey through heaven by just breathing? Please keep one thing in mind, meditation is a practice of releasing emotional toxicity, it’s no magic!

#5 Meditation can be done only with soothing music 

Many of us buy transcend music C.Ds and cassettes to meditate, because we believe meditation is impossible without this. Any music genre can help you in meditating, provided you like it. To many, soft rock soothes; to others, instrumental transcend music; to some, hip-hop; choice of music for meditation may vary from person to person.

Mediation is a way of relaxing mind and body. You can do it at any time of the day with any sort of music or without music. 
Just One tip, do not meditate after taking your meal, there is no side effect… but you may doze off.
Happy Meditation!!!

P.S. – Don’t forget to tell us which myths about meditation you are living with.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Healing with Gemstones… Magical or Logical?

Astrology has always been very fascinating to the world. The Predictions, Yantras, Mantras, Gemstones makes us wonder how they impact our lives. How something in the solar system can be influenced by a piece of rock on the earth…
Since ages, mankind is trying to discover a method with which future can be foreseen and controlled. However, to some extent we have succeeded in this and we are using gemstones to shape our lives. But, is it science or supernatural powers that make these rocks so powerful? Let’s unfold the mystery… 

When I am million kilometers away from cosmic bodies… How can I get affected?
Every thing in this universe possess energy… as long as these energies are in harmony, everything is fine. During conjunction, these objects start impacting each other by radiating and accepting energies. The most common example of this phenomenon is tides… moon revolves around the earth and due to gravitational forces it changes the level of tides.
Planets are no different than rest of the things in the universe, which is why; they impact human lives on earth by affecting their energies.
Talking about human being, not every planet shows same effect on different individuals. E.g.; to some, Jupiter bestows prosperity while to others it brings worries. Why this is so? Because, our birth chart decide the role of planets in our life.

What my birth chart has to do with it?
A Horoscope chart is created by analyzing the planetary position (also called natal planets) at the time of birth. These positions are calculated in correspondence to the 5 fixed stars of the universe, which also decides your zodiac.
By considering the natal planets and their conjunction with current planetary positions, status of planets and their effects on our life is calculated. This is how astrologers make predictions and recommend gem stones.

Why I am being advised to wear gem stone?
Like any other object, human body also possess energies which decides our well being, physical and mental condition. Let’s say, you have a bad headache today… it’s because your energies are not well harmonized which makes you feel uncomfortable. Another example, you are feeling very jovial today (whatever is the reason)… the reason of your happy behavior is the flow of positive energy into the body.
It is very clear that our tendency to receive energies decides our physical and mental well being.

Gem stone is one such object which radiates energy and influences the energies of our body, which can be positive or negative. We often misunderstood gemstones as remedies and expect wonders out of it. This is not completely true. We must understand that gemstone boosts the energy of planet, be it positive or negative. This is why we must wear them with utmost caution.

Okay, so how do I know which stone to wear? 

Many a time, we wear gemstones for enhancing our personality or status. Diamond, Ruby, Pearl are among the hot favorite jewelry stones. Intentionally or unintentionally, we are exposing ourselves to their energies. Not always, but they do leave their negative impact. This does not mean, you stop wearing jewelry… just be a little cautious, if things suddenly started turning upside down after bringing a new stone trinket into your wardrobe.
For astrological reasons, it’s always good to consult a qualified astrologer. Second important thing, always buy gem stone from authorized agency (insist for certificate of authenticity) and it must be crafted with perfection, strict NO to flawed stone!

Precious or Semi precious? What is the difference?
Commercially, a gem stone is classified as Precious and Semi precious stone, based on rarity of their availability. Diamond, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald are known as Precious stones because of their purest form, while rest all are categorized as semi-precious.
There is a misconception that Semi-precious stones are less effective and less valuable. Is it so? Here is the answer…

Ruby, recommendation for Sun, starts with a price around USD 1200… whereas, Green Garnet also costs around USD 1200 which is a semi precious gem stone yet expensive.
Let’s take another example. Price range of Emerald starts with USD 180 and its substitute is Green Onyx which starts with USD 68 (almost, half the price). Green Onyx is a semi precious stone yet effective for debilitated mercury.

Not every pocket affords expensive stones… Then, what can I do?
Mother Nature has given us so many stones that we can easily find an affordable substitute for us, e.g. Brown Tourmaline is an effective substitute of Ruby. Almost, every astrologically significant gem stone has an alternate, which are easily available with dealers. So, you don’t have to burn a hole in your pocket to get a solution of your problems... just ask for gemstone from your astrologer which is inexpensive yet a valuable substitute.