Monday 10 June 2013

Myths of Meditation Busted

Fashion of practicing Meditation is going viral these days. Our stressful work environment, ‘not-so healthy’ life style, increasing level of aggression could be possible reasons behind this.

While many of us say blunt ‘No’ to meditation, because we don’t have time or we are unable to follow strict rules of meditation.
Wait a minute… Strict rules of Meditation? What’s that? Are there actually some strict rules of meditation?
Definitely NO.

There are some perceptions about meditation which we have made in our minds. Let’s talk about them one by one and you tell us which myth about meditation you are living with.

# 1 Meditation can be done only in defined hours of the day

Many of us prefer to wake up late in the morning (come on, I am not lazy, it’s just… I work late night :) ) and feel it’s too late to meditate now. Don’t worry; there is no fixed time to meditate. You can do it in any hour of the day, whenever you get time; even 10 minutes are fine to start with. So, now on… if you are traveling in bus, car, or have spare time in office, after cooking your lunch; promise yourself to spare 10 minutes for meditating.

#2 While meditating, ignore the sounds around you

Try telling your brain, not to hear the noise of truck going outside the window while meditating… Your brain will think about only that noise and even visualize the truck; this is the tendency of our brain. So, accept all the sounds and activities that are happening around you and do not try to ignore them… it requires effort and makes your brain more tired instead of relaxing it.

#3 Meditation = Concentration

Meditation does not mean concentration; Guideline by Best Astrologers rather it improves our power to concentrate. For the beginning, just take long breaths and pay attention to every breath going in and out. If you are experiencing some disturbances from your surrounding, let them come and you keep on paying attention to your breathing.

#4 While meditating, you will have a journey through heaven

How illogical is this! How can you have journey through heaven by just breathing? Please keep one thing in mind, meditation is a practice of releasing emotional toxicity, it’s no magic!

#5 Meditation can be done only with soothing music 

Many of us buy transcend music C.Ds and cassettes to meditate, because we believe meditation is impossible without this. Any music genre can help you in meditating, provided you like it. To many, soft rock soothes; to others, instrumental transcend music; to some, hip-hop; choice of music for meditation may vary from person to person.

Mediation is a way of relaxing mind and body. You can do it at any time of the day with any sort of music or without music. 
Just One tip, do not meditate after taking your meal, there is no side effect… but you may doze off.
Happy Meditation!!!

P.S. – Don’t forget to tell us which myths about meditation you are living with.


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